
During this event, focus will be put on Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models. These three main aspects highlight indeed the need to provide models and tools that are not only more used and more efficient to use, easier to learn and to remember but also paradigms that deeply match the requirements of the end-users (such as decision makers, urban planners, architects...).

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Semantic modeling for 3D city models
  • Integration of GIS models and CA(A)D models
  • Management of multiple representations: multi-scale (levels of detail), versions, history
  • Data integration and homogenization
  • Innovative visualization techniques
  • New paradigms for 3D GIS
  • Automatic and semi-automatic techniques for the acquisition of 3D city models
  • Data mining in 3D city models
  • Applications of 3D city models beyond visualization
  • Sensible approaches of the 3D city models
  • 3D and Location-Based Services
  • 3D and mobility issues
  • 3D and interoperability
  • Time integration in 3D urban models
  • Ontology for 3D urban model
Authors are invited to submit electronically:
  • either full papers of no more than 6000 words (around 12 pages) of original and unpublished scientific research (before April 1st, 2012 - deadline extended to April 30th, 2012)
  • either 8 page short papers of original and unpublished scientific research (before June 1st, 2012 - deadline extended to June 29th, 2012)
Papers must be written in English, using the template (MS-Word or LaTeX) and the dedicated submission system provided. The first anonymous version of the full or short papers must be submitted in PDF. The final version of accepted papers must be provided in .DOCX or .TEX formats based on the already mentioned templates.

All papers will be double-blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, originality, significance, and clarity.

The book of proceedings (composed of all accepted full papers) will be published by our publishing partner EDP Sciences as hard-copy. To maximize the visibility and citations of articles, all accepted full papers will also be published (with a DOI® number assignation) on the EDP Sciences Web of Conferences website. Indeed, as mentioned on EDP Sciences website, this online delivery platform allows editorial content to be linked with other journals via CrossRef© and with indexing sites (Google Scholar, PubMed, MedLine, ADS-Nasa, etc.).

All short papers accepted for oral and poster presentation will be made available at the beginning of the conference as a free e-book and published on-line through the HAL open archive.

Authors are requested to upload their files no later than the submission deadlines, as Organizing Committee needs some time to complete the Proceedings preparation according the publisher’s contractual and formal requirements.

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